Energizer Breaks

Bring them back fully energized

One of the biggest meeting challenges is to bring people back after a break. It is important to keep the schedule on track and to respect everyone’s time. How can you do that better?

Get question! Let me create custom energizer breaks that will encourage all participants to come back on time every time so that they don’t miss out on the fun.

Custom energizer breaks

I will help you find the perfect series of energizer break to help you energize and engage your attendees. They will be fun. They will drive home some key messages. They will get them back into the room ready for the next session on time every time.

The best way to describe this is to share an example of what I have done. I was hired to keep the energy up in a group of over 100 people who were to spend 2 days working on a strategic plan for WIC. These nutritionist had come from all over Texas. The client wanted to remind them of how important the work they do day-to-day was, keep them energized and engaged during this jam-packed 2-day session, and keep everyone on schedule. Of course, they also wanted it to be lots of fun.

The solution: The Calories are Right! This series of energizer games was modeled after the famous Price is Right TV show. Instead of price, the focus was on calories. I played the game host who cheer-led the group through a fun series of games. Many of them were designed to emphasize things that confused their clients such as portion sizes and calories, reading labels, and what choices were best nutritionally. Participants had to choose which of several food items had the most or least calories based on the portion size as indicated in the package or as a whole package. The activities not only were fun, but they also supported valuable lessons about the information WIC provides to its clients. The participants loved being a part of the fun, all sessions began on time, and the energy was high – after al, the group was cheering the participants on like a real live Price is Right audience.

I could not stop laughing during the Calories are Right! It was so much fun I hurried back when break was over so that I would not miss a single session of it. I felt like I was part of a real live show!

K Harris

Dr. Loyo was so funny and has so much energy! She was such a good host! She had us clapping and cheering for each participant. It really made the meeting so much more fun.

L. Andrews

What are you trying to get your participants to focus on? Can I help you develop a series of energized break activities that will keep them entertained, motivated and will energize the room?